Simple girl, i love life, i love my work.. Crazy sometimes and serious in times.. i love Me!

Interesting Facts About Technology

When you think about technology you might think about NASA, computers, the internet, energy, electronic gadgets or even automobiles but technology has been around long before these inventions. The Gutenberg printing press is one such example. The gutenberg printing press appeared in the 15th century.It revolutionized the world and it’s a great example of world changing technology. Another technology we take for granted today is the invention of the wheel, thats right ‘the wheel’ as in a circular rotating wheel. The wheel has changed life for all human beings by just making life easier and most technologies, tools and most products including some types of pottery just couldn’t exist without it.From medicines to tools, technology not only will usually help to improve peoples lives but strongly contributes to the economy and stability of nations around the world. There are instances when certain technologies could devalue a society.Even various ape species, sea life and birds discover new technologies which help to make life better and may pass down the new technology they’ve learned to the next generation.
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